Posts tagged balance
The Weekly Reset: Use Balance

Balance. Your body is engineered for it. To each of us it looks different, yet for all of us the goal should remain the same: to sustain it, knowing that it decreases tension in body, mind, and heart, even amid an increase in speed and volume. This optimizes everything we do.

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Erin TaylorbalanceComment
Technique Tuesday — Half Moon

Earlier this month, we worked on Half Moon Prep to get you ready for Half Moon, one of our fave hip strengtheners. Lets face it: most of us are pretty forward-oriented in our movement. We walk, run, cycle, and we all sit... a lot. One of the reasons why Half Moon is so powerful is because it moves your body outside those habitual movement patterns, which forces the muscles that stabilize your hips and, ultimately, add power to your stride, to wake up and do their job.

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Erin Taylorcore, hips, balanceComment