Eff the end-of-summer (or post-vacay) blues.

Am I the only person who got back to work post-Labor Day and felt like “Holy shit, I have a ton of stuff to do!”? Granted, I’m fresh off two technology-free weeks in Baja, and I won’t be a student this fall, but I'm still feeling the back-to-school smack down this week. The days are getting shorter already, the skies have been a little grayer, and to-do lists are growing — while summer isn’t technically over yet, the transition to fall feels in motion…

So, how do deal?

Eff the end-of-summer (or post-vacay) blues. Rather than mourn the end of this year’s long, sunny days, focus on what you want — your goals — for the remainder of the year. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or just a general sense of “ugh” about anything, map out your game plan to mitigate that nastiness so that you can free up head space to get your good juju mojo flowing. No matter what you did to enjoy the past season, energize your fall goals with the sense of fun and ease that accompanies the summer.

Don’t rush to unpack. You better believe my suitcase will be languishing for a few more weeks. Nothing better than catching a glance at that half-unpacked, semi-sandy luggage and enjoying a fave trip moment flashback while you’re dashing to get ready in the morning. Whether you’ve been traveling or staycationing, transition back into your routine — or your new routine — but realize there’s no rush. Choose not to let that back-to-school feeling make you feel like you have to be “Team Get Shit Done.”

Meditate on vacay ease. Hone in on a fave summer moment and, rather than getting all nostalgic, try to hold the feeling — the ease — of that moment. Focus not on where you were/what you were doing at the time, but on how you felt in that moment. Repeat often with different memories. Scroll through the pics you have stashed on your phone, this will help!

Be kind to yourself. No need to be on post-summer lock down. During my first post-trip run, I was like, “Holy Margarita!” Oops. No matter, rather than feel guilty about what I may or may not have eaten/drank, I’m psyched to get back into my work and workouts because I gave myself permission to just stop. Recognize that you have to be able to rest easy (and not feel bad about it!) so that you can hard. If you need more down time, treat yourself to a mid-day walk, a pedicure, or pick some flowers — whatever helps you keep the perspective that it doesn’t all have to happen at once.

Appreciate where you are — right here, right now. As I type from Athletes for Yoga HQ in Ballard, Seattle, I’m enjoying a sunset that rivals the beaches of Baja. So many gems from the summer and our vacations are available to us more often than we think — all we have to do is stop and look.

Do yoga. Yes.

If all else fails, grab a Tecate and get Bob Marley radio going on Pandora...