Meet the new…

We just “Hit Reset” — literally — on

The Reset Revolution is about you and our site is for you — an invitation to sustain balance for your sports and your life…

  • Schedule and booking. No more wondering how to track down our mobile studio, or bringing your checkbook to class! Visit the new online schedule to find the most convenient options, and to manage your game plan from any device.

  • Gear. Wave the Reset Revolution flag — rock the gear! Just stop by our online shop.

  • Blog. If you’ve been to an Athletes for Yoga class or signed up for our blog, you’ll continue to receive inspiration, insider tips, and schedule updates delivered to your inbox every week. We’ve added some sweet new features, and now it’s even easier to spread the revolution by sharing posts with your friends.

  • OMies. Sustaining balance extends far beyond the yoga mat, and our partners — OMies — help make that possible. Check out rogue joint effort events, gear, and services from these rad local companies.

… and much more!

Make 2014 the year you commit to balance.

Erin & Team Athletes for Yoga

Erin TaylorComment